Friday, May 4, 2012

Tips to Obtain Cheap WoW Gold

By Brian Harter

We are going to talk about the way to benefit from farming WoW gold today, and this kind of farming guide is more important to make gold in Cataclysm now than ever. If you don't have super mounts like vial of the Sands or Mekgineer's Chopper, or super epic products like Claws of Agony or Claws of Torment, you need to read our web site to tell you about WoW gold farming in Cataclysm.

Do you wish to benefit from farming WoW gold in Cataclysm? You should know where to go. When you don't have any ideas on where to go farming, try a lower level instance. Make sure the instance will be a lot lower than you so you won't have any problems. Kill everything within it. The mobs there are usually elites, so the loot tables for them are very rich. Just make sure you pick an instance which includes Humanoid mobs inside.

Another place to look is around you. When you're a raider, go to check out the people you do random dungeons or even raids with. Seeing someone play is one more good way of finding out what kind of player they are and how good their in-game skills are. That loud-mouth ninja who took the trinket you were specifically running Grim Batol for is just not likely to make a decent addition to your inner circle. The thing concerning guilds now is that, with the addition of reputation and achievements, it's an easy task to invest time and effort in them, even if the guild is run from the world's worst officers/GM.

In a way, it's like oldschool console RPGs; you go into the field and kill enemies, not using items to heal yourself but just using magic Cure spells or the like. Items cost money and the more items you use, the more you have to restock. Also, try to accurately gauge your level. Yes, you could take your level 20 fighter into the level 10 enemies, yet there's not really going to be a lot of gold from them relative to what you ought to be getting.

A large amount of guilds, especially those on RP web servers, also host in-game events. It could be a pub crawl, a fantastic party for a real-life birthday or something more festive such as meeting around celebrate Brewfest, kill seasonal bosses or retro raids. Sometimes there are even off the wall suggestions, like races across Azeroth, recruitment mixers or treasure hunts, the more imaginative the better.

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